Nasal Core Library
Data Structure Basics
- append(vector, elements...)
- The first argument specifies a vector. Appends the remaining
arguments to the end of the vector.
- setsize(vector, size)
- Sets the size of a vector. The first argument specifies a vector,
the second a number representing the desired size of that vector.
If the vector is currently larger than the specified size, it is
truncated. If it is smaller, it is padded with nil entries.
Returns the vector operated upon.
- subvec(vector, start, length=nil)
- Returns a sub-range of a vector. The first argument specifies a
vector, the second a starting index, and the optional third
argument indicates a length (the default is to the end of the
- contains(hash, key)
- The first argument specifies a hash, the second must be a
scalar. Returns 1 if the hash contains the scalar as a key, 0
if not.
- delete(hash, key)
- The first argument specifies a hash, the second must be a
scalar key. Deletes the key from the hash if it exists.
Operationally, this is identical to setting the hash value specified
by the key to nil, but this variant potentially frees
storage by deleting the reference to the key and by shrinking
the hash.
- int(value)
- Returns the integer part of the numeric value of the single
argument, or nil if none exists. Truncates towards zero, not
negative infinity (i.e. it's implemented in C as a double to
integer typecast).
- num(value)
- Returns the numeric value of the single argument, or nil if none
- keys(hash)
- Returns a vector containing the list of keys found in the single
hash argument.
- pop(vector)
- Removes and returns the last element of the single vector argument.
- size(object)
- Returns the size of the single argument. For strings, this is
the length in bytes. For vectors, this is the number of
elements. For hashes, it is the number of key/value pairs. Returns
nil for number and nil arguments.
- streq(a, b)
- Tests the string values of the two arguments for equality. Needed
because the == operator in Nasal tests for numeric equality, as in
perl. So
"0" == "0.0"
is true,
but streq("0", "0.0")
is false. This is rarely
required in typical code.
- cmp(a, b)
- Compares two strings, returning -1 if a is less than b, 0 if they
are identical, and 1 if a is greater than b.
- sort(vector, function)
- Creates a new vector containing the elements in the input vector
sorted in ascending order according to the rule given
, which takes two arguments (elements of
the input vector) and should return less than zero, zero, or
greater than zero if the first argument is, respectively, less
than, equal to, or greater than the second argument. Despite
being implemented with ANSI C qsort()
, the sort is
stable; "equal" elements in the output vector will appear in the
same relative order as they do in the input.
- substr(string, start, length=nil)
- Computes a substring. The first argument specifes a string, the
second is an integer index of the start of a substring, the
optional third argument specifies a length (the default is to
return the remaining string). Example: substr("abcde", 1, 3)
returns "bcd".
- sprintf(format, varargs...)
- Creates and returns a string formatted as per ANSI C sprintf().
- find(needle, haystack)
- Finds and returns the index of the first occurence of the string
needle in the string haystack, or -1 if no such occurence was found.
- split(delimeter, string)
- Splits the input string into a vector of substrings bounded by
occurences of the delimeter substring.
- rand(seed=nil)
- Returns a random number in the range [0:1) (that is, 0.0 is a
possible return value. 1.0 is not). If a numeric argument is
specified, it is used as a seed instead and the function returns
nil. Implemented in terms of the C library's rand/srand functions;
the result should have a full double-precision number's worth of
randomness even on systems with a 15 bit rand().
- id(thing)
- Returns a unique string identifying the object. Two id strings
are equal if and only if the two references point to the same object
in memory. Numbers don't have id's and will cause a runtime error if
passed to id().
Internals and Functional Programming
- typeof(thing)
- Returns a string indicating the type of the single argument, any
of: nil, scalar, vector, hash, func, or ghost.
- die(error)
- Terminates execution and unwinds the stack. This invokes the same
internal exception handler used for internal runtime errors. Use
this to signal fatal errors, or to implement exception handling.
The error thrown (including internal runtime errors) can be caught
with call().
- call(fn, args=[], me=nil, namespace=nil, error=nil)
- Calls the given function with the given arguments and returns the
result. The optional arguments can be used to specify the "me"
reference for a function call and the local variable namespace. The
error argument, if present, must be a vector. If the called
function terminates due to a runtime error or die() call, the error
(either a string or the argument to die() is appended to the vector,
followed by the file name at which the error occurred, followed by
the line number in that file, followed in order by each file/line
number on the call stack.
- caller(level=1)
- Returns a record from the current call stack. Level zero is the
currently executing function. Level one (the default) is the caller
of the current function, etc... The result is a four element vector
containing: the local variables hash table, the function object, the
source file, and the line number.
- compile(code, filename="<compile>")
- Compiles the specified code string and returns a function object
bound to the current lexical context. The file name of the
function, if unspecified in the second argument, is simply
"<compile>". On error, the function dies with a
user-readable string error message as per die().
- closure(fn, level=0)
- Returns the hash table representing the lexical namespace of the
given function. Level zero is the scope in which the func{...}
expression was evaluated. Level one is the enclosing scope, etc...
- bind(func, namespace=nil, outer_scope=nil)
- The opposite of closure, bind() creates a new function object. A
function in Nasal is three things: the first is the actual
bytecode or C function pointer of the function (specified here via
another function argument from which to extract the code). The
second is the local variable namespace (a hash table) of the
"super-function" that was running when the function was bound
(i.e., when the func{...} expression was evaluated). The third is
the closure object of that super-function from which the lexical
environment of the super-super-function can be extracted, etc...
Math Library
- math.sin(number)
- Returns the sine of the single argument
- math.cos(number)
- Returns the cosine of the single argument
- math.exp(number)
- Returns e (Euler's constant) raised to the power
specified by the single argument
- math.ln(number)
- Returns the natural logarithm of the single argument.
- math.sqrt(number)
- Returns the square root of the single argument.
- math.atan2(x, y)
- Returns the arctangent of y/x, with the correct sign for the
quadrant. Wraps the ANSI C function of the same name.
- math.e
- Euler's constant: 2.7182818284590452354
- math.pi
- Pi: 3.14159265358979323846
Bitfield Library
- bits.fld(string, startbit, length)
- Interpreting the string str as bits, returns the bitfield of the
specified length starting at startbit. Interprets the result as
an unsigned integer. The bit order is bytewise big endian: The
0th bit is the high bit of the first byte. The last bit is the
low bit of the last byte in the string.
- bits.sfld(string, startbit, length)
- As bits.fld(), but interprets the result as a 2's complement
signed value.
- bits.setfld(string, startbit, length, value)
- Sets the specified value into the bit string at the specified
position. The string must be mutable: either the result of a
runtime concatenation (the ~ operator) or a call to bits.buf()
(see below). Attempts to modify immutable strings (e.g. compile
time constants) will produce a runtime error.
- bits.buf(length)
- Returns a zero-filled mutable string of the specified length.
UTF8 Library
- utf8.chstr(unicode)
- Returns a string containing the UTF8 representation of the
specified unicode character value.
- utf8.strc(string, index)
- Returns the unicode character at the specified index within the UTF8
string. Dies on encoding error or overrun.
- utf8.substr(string, start, len=nil)
- As for regular substr(), but the indices are of UTF8 characters
intead of bytes. Dies on encoding error or overflow.
- utf8.size(string)
- As for regular size() when called on a string, but returns the
number of UTF8 unicode characters instead of bytes. Dies on
encoding error.
- utf8.validate(string, replace=`?`)
- Checks the string for UTF8 validity. At every byte position where
an encoding error is found, it replaces that byte with the
specified replacement character (default is `?`). Note that the
second argument is a number, not a string.
I/O Library
-, mode="r")
- Opens the file with the specified mode (as per ANSI fopen()) and
returns a ghost object representing the filehandle. Failures are
thrown as runtime errors as per die().
- io.close(filehandle)
- Closes the specified file as per ANSI fclose().
-, buf, len)
- Attempts to read length bytes from the filehandle into the
beginning of the mutable string buf. Failures (including overruns
when length > size(buf)) are thrown as runtime errors as per
die(). Returns the number of bytes successfully read.
- io.write(filehandle, str)
- Attempts to write the entirety of the specified string to the
filehandle. Failures are thrown as runtime errors as per die().
Returns the number of bytes successfully written.
-, position, whence)
- As ANSI fseek(). Attempts to seek to the specified position based
on the whence value (which must be one of io.SEEK_SET,
io.SEEK_END, or io.SEEK_CUR).
- io.tell(filehandle)
- Returns the current seek position of the filehandle.
- io.readln(filehandle)
- Reads and returns a single text line from the filehandle.
Interprets both "\n" and "\r\n" as end of line markers, and does
not include the "\r" or "\n" bytes in the returned string. End of
file or error is signaled by returning nil.
- io.stat(filename)
- Calls unix or win32 stat() on the specified file name and returns
a seven element array whose contents are, in order: dev, ino, mode,
nlink, uid, gid, rdef, size, atime, mtime, ctime. Errors are
signaled as exceptions as per die().
Thread & Synchronization Library
Nasal's threadsafety implementation uses an internal, minimal
synchronization library. The thread
module exposes those
primitives to script code.
- thread.newthread(func)
- Spawns a new thread that begins running in the specified function closure.
- thread.newlock()
- Creates and returns a new mutex lock.
- thread.lock(lock)
- Locks a mutex.
- thread.unlock(lock)
- Unlocks a mutex.
- thread.newsem()
- Creates and returns a new semaphore object.
- thread.semdown(sem)
- Executes a "down" operation on the semaphore, waiting until a
separate thread calls semup() if needed.
- thread.semup(sem)
- Executes an "up" operation on the semaphore, increasing the
internal count and waking up one waiting thread if needed.
Unix Library
- unix.pipe()
- Creates a pipe and returns a 2-element array containing the read
and write filehandles. Runtime errors are signaled as per die().
- unix.fork()
- Forks the process as per the system call of the same name.
Runtime errors are signaled as exceptions of the same name.
- unix.dup2(oldfilehandle, newfilehandle)
- Makes newfilehandle a copy of oldfilehandle as per the system call
of the same name. Runtime errors are signaled as per die().
- unix.exec(filename, argv, envp)
- Calls unix execve() to replace this process with a new one. The
argv and env arrays are passed to the new process. Runtime errors
are signaled as per die().
- unix.waitpid(pid, nohang=0)
- Calls unix waitpid() to retrieve the exit code of a child
process. The nohang flag causes WNOHANG to be passed to the
system call. Runtime errors are signaled as per die().
- unix.opendir(directorypath)
- Opens the specified directory and returns a ghost handle. Runtime
errors are signaled as per die().
- unix.readdir(dirhandle)
- Reads and returns the next filename from the directory handle.
Runtime errors are signaled as per die().
- unix.closedir(dirhandle)
- Closes the specified directory handle.
- unix.time()
- Returns the current system time, in fractional epoch seconds.
Uses gettimeofday() to achieve millisecond or better resolution.
- unix.chdir(path)
- Changes the current working directory. Runtime errors are
signaled as per die().
- unix.environ()
- Returns the current unix environment as an array of strings of the
form "VAR=value".
- unix.sleep(secs)
- Sleeps for the specified time period and returns. Supports
fractional seconds in the timeout.
Regex (PCRE) Library
- regex.comp(regex, opts="")
- Calls pcre_compile()/pcre_study() and returns a ghost representing
the compiled regular expression object. The opts string
(corresponding to the "letters after the slash" in a perl regex)
can contain the bytes: 'i' for caseless matching, 'm' for
multiline behavior where '^$' can match next to a newline, 's' for
single line behavior where the dot matches newlines, and 'x' for
extended syntax allowing whitespace and comments.
- regex.exec(regex, string, start=0)
- Matches the regular expression against the string starting at the
specified index. Returns a vector (the pcre "ovector") containing
matches. Each match returned is stored as a start and
one-past-end offset in the vector. An empty vector indicates no
match. The first match is the entirety of the matched substring.
Matches 1 and higher contain the parenthesized submatches, if any,
in the order in which their opening parenthesis appears in the
regular expression.
SQLite Library
Integration with the SQLite
( database
- Opens a connection to a SQLite database in the specified file,
creating the file if needed, and returns a db handle. Signals
errors via die().
- sqlite.close(db)
- Closes the specified database connection. This call is generally
optional; garbage collection will destroy stale connections.
- sqlite.prepare(db, sql)
- Creates a prepared statement on the specified database from the
SQL code in the second argument. Signals errors via die().
- sqlite.exec(db, stmt, [opt. callback], bind_args...)
- Executes a SQL statement (either a string or a prepared statement
returned from prepare()). The bind arguments are assigned in
order to the "?" placeholders in the original SQL. Each row of
the result, if any, is placed in a hash table indexed by field
name. If the optional callback argument is specified, it is
invoked once for each row, with the hash table as an argument.
Otherwise, all rows returned are appended to a single vector and
returned as the result of sqlite.exec(). Signals errors via die().
- sqlite.finalize(stmt)
- Finalizes and free storage associated with a prepared statement.
This call is generally optional; garbage collection will destroy
stale statements.
GNU Readline Library
Minimal but functional integration with GNU readline, allowing for
runtime command line editing. This is used by
the interactive
module to implement the interactive nasal
- readline(prompt="> ")
- Read and return a line of input from the user, or nil at end-of-stream.